Crush Bonspiel
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  • 1009 Orlando Ave Roseville, CA 95661
  • Location: Skatetown Ice Arena
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Crush Bonspiel


Wine Country Curling Club is excited to once again host our annual Crush bonspiel on Labor Day weekend at Skatetown Ice in Roseville. This year’s bonspiel includes a 4-game guarantee (pool play) and Saturday night dinner. Come enjoy the awesome California sunshine and what we hope is great arena ice. You won’t want to miss it!

Hotel Options

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Please note rates and room types are based upon availability and subject to change. Please contact hotel directly and book early.

Rates given by the hotels are based off of the following descriptions: Single = 1 person and 1 bed | Double = 2 people and 2 beds or 2 people 1 bed | Triple = 3 people and 2 beds | Quad = 4 people and 2 beds | Suite = Contact hotel for specific details